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About me

 I am a doula, a midwife and a mum of three kids. I feel it is a must that every woman is educated so that they can make the right decisions about their birth experience. Birth is a natural event, and every woman can be involved in the decision-making process and can come away from the birth satisfied that they were involved and had a 'voice'.



Giving birth is a beautiful, wondrous, exciting and scary time- nothing compares or even comes close to it. Having a doula allows you to 'own' your birth and make the choices you feel are right for you. I will support you throughout your pregnancy, labour and beyond. I will make sure that your wishes are complied with (as closely as possible) and that you are fully informed every step of the way. Statistically, births which have a doula present have a 65% lower chance of having interventions including epidurals and pain relief.


I have worked extensively with Dr Amber Moore (St Vincent's Private Hospital) and feel absolutely privileged to be a part of this miracle. I am very passionate about empowering women and helping them through this life-changing process. I have been at many types of birth- vaginal, forceps, vacuum, epidural, drug-free, VBAC, pre-eclampsia, caesarian (both planned and emergency), IVF and a combination of these.



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